The Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators, which serves Ohio's pre-k, elementary, and middle level principals and assistant principals as well as central office administrators, traces its roots to 1924 and the creation of the Ohio Department of Elementary Principals within the Ohio Education Association. In 1972, the Ohio Association of Elementary School Principals was formed and later became an independent association in 1973.
In 1978, as the membership grew to include middle level and central office administrators, the name was changed to the Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators in recognition of the Association's changing membership. Today, OAESA serves not only the professional needs of field-based administrators, but educators aspiring to become administrators and the institutions that prepare them to work in this segment of the profession, as well as individuals who have retired from the profession.
In order to accommodate the varied needs of its diverse membership, OAESA offers several classes of membership. Membership types for individuals include professional, associate, aspiring, and retired membership levels. An institutional membership level is available to colleges and universities preparing future school administrators.
OAESA offers a variety of important services to members. Among these services are professional development programs, personal and government advocacy, access to professional information, and professional recognition.